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What is vaginitis?

Vaginitis is a term for inflammation of the vagina, most commonly caused by an imbalance in vaginal bacteria. The three most common types of vaginal infections are yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis. There are also non-infectious causes of vaginitis such as allergic reactions to vaginal sprays, douches, spermicidal products, soaps, or detergents.

What is bacterial vaginosis (BV)?

BV can affect women of any age, but is most common in women during their reproductive years. A bacterial infection occurs when “harmful” bacteria outnumber the “good” bacteria that are normally found in a woman’s vagina. BV is the most common cause of bacterial discharge and odour.

What is a vaginal yeast infection?

A vaginal yeast infection is a common infection that is caused by a fungus called Candida. Candida is a naturally occurring yeast that is found in small amounts in a woman’s vagina. A yeast infection is the result of an increase in the quantity of Candida.

What is trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis, also known as “trich,” is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite. Although it is more commonly detected in women, both men and women can get a trich infection. In women, the infection can present itself in the vagina, urethra, cervix, bladder, and genital area glands.

What is considered an abnormal vaginal discharge?

A vaginal discharge is abnormal if the colour, smell, or consistency seem quite different than usual. The VagiSense® test can also be performed in cases of itching or irritation with normal vaginal discharge.

What is vaginal pH?

Vaginal pH refers to the acidity level of the vagina. Normal vaginal pH ranges between 3.8 and 4.5 (though this may vary slightly depending on your stage of life). A higher pH puts you at risk for vaginal infections. A vaginal pH of 4.5 or higher is a sign of bacterial vaginosis.

Can I have more than one cause of infection at the same time?

Yes. In one study, it was shown that 20% of the women with a yeast infection actually had mixed infections (a combination of yeast infection and bacterial infection and/or trichomoniasis).*

Can I take a shower before testing with VagiSense®?

Yes. Showering before use will not affect the results; however, make sure you are completely dry before using the test as water may interfere with the test result.

Should I use VagiSense® at a specific time during the day?

VagiSense® reacts to vaginal secretion, which discharges throughout the day; therefore, you can test anytime.

In what situations is it recommended to use VagiSense®?

VagiSense® should be used if you have any of the following symptoms: 1) abnormal or excessive vaginal discharge, 2) vaginal itching or vaginal burning, and/or 3) vaginal discharge with abnormal colour or unpleasant odour.

The test can also be used if you have itching or burning with normal discharge.

When is it recommended to delay performing the test?

Delay the test if it is less than one day before or the day after your period, if there are signs of menstruation or any vaginal bleeding, if it is less than 12 hours after sexual intercourse or vaginal douching, and/or if it is less than 72 hours after the application of vaginal preparations like contraceptive creams or lubricants.

Where should I store VagiSense®?

VagiSense® should be stored in a dry place at room temperature and out of reach of children. The test must be sealed until use to avoid contamination.

How many test swabs are included in the box?

The VagiSense® box includes two test swabs for your convenience. Check the expiration date on the individual test package before using the product.

Does the test require a prescription?

VagiSense® is an over-the-counter test, meaning it does not require a prescription.

Is there any specific way to use the test?

You should follow the instructions indicated on the package insert.

What should I do after performing the test?

You should wait 10 seconds and check the tip of the VagiSense® swab for colour changes from yellow to blue or green. You can then dispose of the test as you would any other feminine hygiene product.

What stain is considered a positive result?

If any part of the test tip is stained blue or green, your vaginal acidity (pH) is abnormal and you may have a bacterial or parasitic vaginal infection. You should talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your treatment options.

What does VagiSense® test for?

VagiSense® tests your vaginal discharge and indicates whether your vaginal acidity is normal or abnormal.

A positive test indicates a possible acidity imbalance in your vaginal secretion, known to accompany bacteria (bacterial vaginosis) and parasitic (trichomoniasis) infections.

Can I use VagiSense® if I have no abnormal discharge but have irritation and itching?

Yes. VagiSense® can be used if you have itching or burning but your vaginal discharge is normal.

What should I do if the tip remains yellow?

If the entire tip remains yellow after 10 seconds (negative result), it means that it’s unlikely you have a bacterial or parasitic infection. You may have a yeast infection, and you may consider using a non-prescription treatment.

What should I do if I’m not certain that the VagiSense® yellow tip came into contact with vaginal discharge?

You should perform a second test immediately after the first using a new VagiSense® swab.

Is VagiSense® suitable for pregnant women?

If you are pregnant, you should consult your healthcare professional before using VagiSense® and never try to treat yourself before discussing your symptoms with your healthcare professional.

No results

*Ferris DG, Nyirjesy P, Sobel JD, et al. Over-the-counter antifungal drug misuse associated with patient-diagnosed vulvovaginal candidiasis. Obstet Gynecol. 2002;99(3):419–425.

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